Hi iconeer's , this time I will share how to calibrate the PH Analyzer Yokogawa Flexa FLXA 21. The module looks like this:
Here's how to calibrate with "Manual Calibration" mode zero/slope1,2(3point)
- Prepare buffers for PH 4, PH7, and PH10
- Remove the sensor from the flag, clean it with mineral water, then clean the tip of the sensor with a tissue.
- For zero/slope1,2(3point) mode the sequence can be as follows:
(1st buffer < 2nd buffer < 3rd buffer or 1st buffer > 2nd buffer > 3rd buffer)
- Here I use the sequence 1st buffer < 2nd buffer < 3rd buffer
- Dip the sensor into the PH4 buffer, wait a few minutes for the reading to stabilize. record the reading value as data As Found. Lift the sensor and do some cleaning.
- Dip the sensor into the PH7 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, record the reading value as As Found data. Lift the sensor and do some cleaning.
- Dip the sensor into the PH10 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, record the reading value as As Found data. Lift the sensor and do some cleaning.
- Calculate the error value from As Found data, if necessary make adjustments.
1. On the 'Home' screen, press the 'Settings' icon.
2. On the 'Execute & Setup' menu select 'Calibration'.
-3. Choose 'Manual'
4. Choose 'Zero/Slope 1, 2 (3 point), on the next screen select 'Next'
5.Dip the sensor into the PH4 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, if it is stable select 'Adjust Now' then enter the PH value which is 4 then press 'Enter'. Record the value as data As Left.