Hello friends, this time I will share how to calibrate the Control Valve with the YTC YT-3300 Rotork positioner.
It looks like this:
Installed on Control Valve
For calibration, we can do it manually or auto, let's review.
Auto calibration on the YTC YT3300 positioner can be done in 3 modes, namely AUTO1, AUTO 2 or AUTO HF. Choose the auto mode as needed, the differences between the three auto modes can be seen in the table below
AUTO CAL steps
4. Press the 'ENTER' button then the positioner will auto-calibrate, wait for a few minutes until the 'COMPLETE' indication appears.
Flow chart image of AUTO calibration 1
Figure Flow Chart AUTO calibration 2
AUTO HF kalibrasi calibration flowchart drawing
In Hand calibration there are 2 main steps, namely setting the valve position and setting the feedback value.
Hand Cal steps of YTC YT3300:
1. Attach a digital multimeter ( mA ) to the positioner output terminal.
2. Provide a 12 mA command input to the positioner.
3. Press and hold the 'ENTER' button for 3 seconds, select the 'HAND CAL' menu then press 'ENTER'.
4. Select the 'PV ZERO' menu then press 'ENTER' so that the indication '*PZ XXX' appears.
5. Full close the valve manually using the handwheel, mark the full close position with a marker.
6. Press the 'ENTER' button so that the indication changes to '+PZ XXX' then press 'ESC' so that it returns to the 'PV ZERO' menu
7. Select the 'PV END' menu, press 'ENTER' so that the indication '*PE XXXX' appears.
8. Full open the valve manually using the handwheel, mark the full open position with a marker.
9. Press 'ENTER' so that the indication '+PE XXXX' appears.
10. Press 'ESC' 2x until it returns to the 'RUN PV' menu.
11. Adjust the feedback mA.
12. Give the command 0%, make sure the position of the valve is full close according to the marker.
13. Enter the 'HAND CAL' menu, press 'ENTER', select the 'TR ZERO' menu, press 'ENTER' so that the '*R ZERO' indication appears, observe the mA indication on the multimeter, adjust it by pressing the UP / DOWN button until the feedback reads 4.00 mA.
14. To save the 0% feedback position, press 'ENTER' so that the '+R ZERO' indication appears, press 'ESC' to return to the previous menu.
15. Give the command 100%, make sure the position of the valve is fully open according to the marker.
16. Select the 'TR END' menu, press 'ENTER' so that the '*R END' indication appears, observe the mA designation on the multimeter, adjust it by pressing the UP / DOWN button until the feedback reads 20.00 mA.
17. To save the 100% feedback position, press 'ENTER' so that the '+R END' indication appears, press 'ESC' to return to the menu.
18. Adjust position and feedback is complete.
Manual Book Smart Positioner YT-3300 / 3350 / 3303 / 3301 SERIES.