Yokogawa Flexa FLXA21 PH Analyzer Calibration

 Hi iconeer's , this time I will share how to calibrate the PH Analyzer Yokogawa Flexa FLXA 21. The module looks like this:

Here's how to calibrate with "Manual Calibration" mode zero/slope1,2(3point)

- Prepare buffers for PH 4, PH7, and PH10

- Remove the sensor from the flag, clean it with mineral water, then clean the tip of the sensor with a tissue.

- For zero/slope1,2(3point) mode the sequence can be as follows:

(1st buffer < 2nd buffer < 3rd buffer or 1st buffer > 2nd buffer > 3rd buffer)

- Here I use the sequence 1st buffer < 2nd buffer < 3rd buffer

- Dip the sensor into the PH4 buffer, wait a few minutes for the reading to stabilize. record the reading value as data As Found. Lift the sensor and do some cleaning.

- Dip the sensor into the PH7 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, record the reading value as As Found data. Lift the sensor and do some cleaning.

- Dip the sensor into the PH10 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, record the reading value as As Found data. Lift the sensor and do some cleaning.

- Calculate the error value from As Found data, if necessary make adjustments.


1. On the 'Home' screen, press the 'Settings' icon.

2. On the 'Execute & Setup' menu select 'Calibration'.

-3.  Choose 'Manual'

4. Choose 'Zero/Slope 1, 2 (3 point), on the next screen select 'Next'

5.Dip the sensor into the PH4 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, if it is stable select 'Adjust Now' then enter the PH value which is 4 then press 'Enter'. Record the value as data As Left.

6. Clean the tip of the sensor, then enter it into the PH7 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, if it is stable select 'Go to second buffer' then enter the PH value which is 7 then press 'Enter'. Record the value as data As Left.

7. Same as before, clean the tip of the sensor, then input it into the PH10 buffer, wait a few minutes until the reading is stable, if it is stable, enter the PH value, which is 10 then press 'Enter'. Record the value as data As Left.

8. Select 'Calibration complete' then press 'Enter'. then press the 'Home' button.

It's done.. That's it, I hope it's useful.

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